Why you should keep your money constantly moving…

FeaturedWhy you should keep your money constantly moving…

money in motion

Money is Energy:

Energy is all around us. In all actuality, everything, even us, is made from energy. Money is no different with the exception of one thing. We have made money a representation of trade, and of how much energy we put into our trade for society. This energetic representation is far more than a number, and far more than paper, and far more than what’s on your bank statement. Money energy is tangible.

Payment is an exchange of energy:

You are paid for the energy that you put into a job.

Those funds are a representation of YOUR energy.

Your funds are more than just a source to live off of. You are banking your energy.

Money wants to stay in motion:

Since we have created money as a representation for traded energy in a society, money by nature is an energy that wants to stay in motion. A society is always moving and changing. Because it represents your contribution to society, it takes on the very characteristics of society. It by nature needs to stay moving and changing. Money is meant to reproduce itself: Again, money takes on the characteristics of the society it’s sparked from. If an economy is failing or even dying, the money value will shrink. But if you take that same money and move it to a different economy that is growing, it too will grow.

Money manifestation:

Start small. Put 10-15% of your income into a project or goal. Do this all the time. Make sure the rest of your money isn’t stagnant, and it moving at all times, and it will grow. That percentage of your income directed to a project or goal imprints your very intentions on those specific funds. You are doing two different things here. You are allowing growth of money towards the success of your goal, but also creating a void where that money was, and that void must, by nature, be filled.

Law of Abundance:

“The Law of Abundance- there is ample money for everyone who knows how to acquire it and keep it. We live in an abundant universe in which there is sufficient money for all who really want it and are willing obey the laws governing its acquisition.”


Being grateful for what you have always will make you match the correct vibration to receive more. In many ways, it’s been taught in spiritual and even religious circles that going without is the way we should be. Humility and service are amplified in many teachings. Yes, humility and service are important in any society, but gratitude for what you have will allow you abundance. That abundance is something you can take or leave.  But would you walk away from $100.00 crumpled in a trash can?  No…….so go ahead and don’t feel guilty about it!

The Universal Laws: Take the keys and drive!

The Universal Laws:  Take the keys and drive!
Ever wonder what it would take for you to really take the wheel and drive your life ANY direction you want to?  The keys are below.   Learn these first before you really pick your route.  It’s step one to mastering manifestation!   Learn these and turn your life around!   Magic, at everyone’s fingertips.
The 12 universal laws:

An extract from Milanovich and McCunes book “The Light Shall Set You Free”(1998).

1. The Law of Divine Oneness

The first out of the 12 universal Laws helps us to understand that we live in a world where everything is connected to everything else. Everything we do, say, think and believe affects others and the universe around us.


2. The Law of Vibration

This Law states that everything in the Universe moves, vibrates, and travels in circular patterns. The same principles of vibration in the physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires, and wills in the Etheric world. Each sound, thing, and even thought has its own vibrational frequency, unique unto itself.

3. The Law of Action

The Law of Action must be applied in order for us to manifest things on earth. Therefore, we must engage in actions that support our thoughts, dreams, emotions and words.


4. The Law of Correspondence

This Law states that the principles or laws of physics that explain the physical world – energy, Light, vibration, and motion – have their corresponding principles in the etheric or universe. “As above, so below”


5. The Law of Cause and Effect

This Universal Law states that nothing happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws. Every action has a reaction or consequence and we “reap what we have sown.”

cause and effect
6. The Law of Compensation

This Law is the Law of Cause and Effect applied to blessings and abundance that are provided for us. The visible effects of our deeds are given to us in gifts, money, inheritances, friendships, and blessings.


7. The Law of Attraction

This Law demonstrates how we create the things, events, and people that come into our lives. Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energies which, in turn, attract like energies. Negative energies attract negative energies and positive energies attract positive energies.


8. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

This 8 out of the 12 universal Laws is a powerful one. It states that all persons have within them the power to change the conditions in their lives. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change.

energy9. The Law of Relativity

This Law states that each person will receive a series of problems (Tests of Initiation) for the purpose of strengthening the Light within. We must consider each of these tests to be a challenge and remain connected to our hearts when proceeding to solve the problems. This law also teaches us to compare our problems to others’ problems and put everything into its proper perspective. No matter how bad we perceive our situation to be, there is always someone who is in a worse position. It is all relative.


10. The Law of Polarity

This Law states that everything is on a continuum and has an opposite. We can suppress and transform undesirable thoughts by concentrating on the opposite pole. It is the law of mental vibrations.


11. The Law of Rhythm

This Law states that everything vibrates and moves to certain rhythms. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Each cycle reflects the regularity of God’s universe. Masters know how to rise above negative parts of a cycle by never getting too excited or allowing negative things to penetrate their consciousness.

12. The Law of Gender

This last out of the 12 universal Laws states that everything has its masculine (yang) and feminine (yin) principles, and that these are the basis for all creation. The spiritual Initiate must balance the masculine and feminine energies within herself or himself to become a Master and a true co-creator with God.

Taking care of new development